About Us

What is City to City?

City to City is a brand new collective of small Jesus-communities throughout the PNW.

City to City is strategically building safe & small Jesus-communities that are in essence mirco-churches. Micro-churches are not confined to buildings as much as they are defined by a gathered-people. Whether it’s in a home, at a park or a coffee shop, the micro-church aims to go where the people are and create an intimate environment where people are safe to discover Jesus and find meaningful community!


Our mission is to create safe & small Jesus-communities for the reconciliation of all things.


Our heartbeat is to pursue unity, honor diversity and love always.


+ The Gospel is supremely GOOD NEWS to all.

+ The pursuit of THE PRESENCE OF JESUS.

+ The inclusion and SAFETY of cultural outcasts.

+ The practice of OUTRAGEOUS GENEROSITY in all we do.

+ The CREATIVE EXPRESSION from people to cities.

+ The EMPOWERMENT of people.

+ The adoption of MISSIONAL LIVING.